Individual Counselling Services In Pretoria
From forming a secure base attachment with primary caregivers to the individuation and actualization of the self, each person migrates through the life cycle with many interesting and sometimes difficult challenges on the way. Just as people get hurt in relationships, they also find healing in the context of relationships.
What counselling involves is often misunderstood. For psychological disorders which may require long-term therapy or pharmacological interventions, a counsellor would refer clients to a psychiatrist or clinical psychologist.
Professional counselling is the art of helping clients find answers to their problems in the context of a safe and non-judgmental environment where clients can freely explore their experiences and benefit from the counselor’s input.
Counselling is not about “getting” all the answers from an “expert.” In fact, the counsellor’s job is really to use his or her expertise and experience to empower and help clients take full responsibility for their own lives by making informed choices.